Our Neck Expanding Mandrels are designed to fit both the 21st Century Shooting and Sinclair Expander Dies. Our mandrels are longer than other expanding mandrels and feature a special dual taper which expands both on the up and down stroke of the press to more uniformly expand and straighten case necks.
Expanding Mandrels are available in the following calibers:
17, 20, 22, 6mm, 25, 6.5mm, 270, 7mm, 30 and 338
Also available in our Neck-Up mandrels for 22cal – 6mm and 6mm – 30cal. Perfect for necking 220 Russian up to 6mm for PPC and 6BR up to 30 caliber for 30BR.
15 Reviews
Expander Mandrel
I have several of these mandrels to cover all the rifle calibers I reload for. They do exactly what they are intended to do very well. They are great for upsizing case necks (.223 to 300AAC, etc.) and for insuring case mouths are round and to size. I wish they were available in fractionally larger sizes (ie. .2235", .224"; .2635"; .264"; .3075", .308") to lessen neck tension since I do not use bushing dies.
Very accurate. The only way this can be better is to purchase the carbide expander, which is what I will be doing...
Good to go
Works as it should, simple tool built right.
Great product. Perfect neck dimensions.
Gives me a little over 2 thousandths in neck tension reliably in Petersen and Lapua brass.
Great quality
Would have gotten the carbide model but went the cheaper route
Works awesome
Would purchase again
Best mandrel
This mandrel is double tapered so you can feel it resizing the neck on the down and up stroke. Because of the feel you also don't tend to bottom out the mandrel base on the case bottom like the Sinclair's do because you have much better feel.
Precise dimensions and excellent taper for low stress insertion and extraction
I am in the process of case forming using larger necks to smaller. Rather than ream the inside of the neck I have chosen to expand the inside to the desired dimension then neck turn for fit in chamber. These mandrels( I have them in 224, 264, and 308) go in expanding the case with no lose due to case collapse and extract easily. I have other brands that don't do so well.
Great product for consistent neck tension
I have put one of these in my reloading setup just prior to filling the case with powder. It provides more consistent neck tension as well as giving me notice that a case is too loose or too tight.