The rear bag is a very important factor in shooting consistently small groups. We've had a lot of rear bags over the years, some good, some bad, and some downright awful. While a lot of how good a rear bag depends on the person filling it, if the rear bag isn't right, it isn't right.
These rear bags from Lenzi are right, and they are beautiful. The Long Range Model is 1/2" shorter with slightly taller ears and much reduced taper to the back of the bag.
Key Features and Dimensions:
- black leather with pure nylon (not Cordura) at stock contact points with blue stitching
- .825" flat between medium ears
- special attention paid to keeping construction straight
- reinforced leather outer walls with 3 layers of medium stiff leather preventing swelling
- 8"x6" footprint
- built-in "donut"
- extra heavy base made up of 3 stiff layers of leather
- approx. 15.5lbs filled with heavy sand bottom/white sand in ears
- slightly concave base seats flat on bench top when filled and prevents rolling
- great "dead" feel
This bag is more expensive than most, but it does not disappoint!
Imported from Italy
2 Reviews
Lenzi bag
The rest of the bag makers should take a lesson from Lenzi. This bag feels like it was made for my Scarbough stock (I like them to ride clear to the bottom). Perfect tracking and cross hair is no more than an inch off when returned to battery mostly returns almost dead on. The other Lenzi, Don Powell version, works great for my pistol grip stocks with those that have more angle to the bottom of the butt stock. Also, the Lenzi doughnut works very well, extremely stable.
Lenzi 21mm Spacing Rear Bag